Jul 1, 2024

4 methods for filtering by page in Google Analytics 4

If you’re seeking out this information then you can probably agree that GA4 is exceptionally difficult to navigate.

Who is this GA4 interface designed for anyway? Data engineers, maybe. Not marketers, that’s for sure. (That’s why we created Ércule: so marketers could access the GA4 data they actually need.)


In this post we’ll present four methods for finding an individual page in GA4:

  • Pages and Screens report [6 steps]
  • Custom report [14 steps]
  • Exploration [8 steps]
  • Ércule [4 steps]

We’ll walk through each one step-by-step with screenshots for you to follow along. The first three methods are implemented within the GA4 dashboard. The fourth method is through Ércule, which connects with GA4 data but uses a much simpler, more user-friendly dashboard.

Here we go…

1. Using the default “Pages and Screens” report [6 steps]

Advantages of this approach: It’s the simplest and quickest of the methods within GA4.

Disadvantages of this approach: You have to repeat these steps every time. Also, it can be hard to filter for just your exact page. If you’re looking just for a  “/blog” page, for example, it can be difficult if you have a big blog.

The simplest way of getting here with the default reports that are set up in GA4 is to go to Reports > Lifecycle > Engagement > Pages and screens.

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From here you should see a list of pages, but by default it’s sorted by page title. This isn’t always as helpful, especially if you have lots of repeat titles.

You go here and you can pick either page path plus query string, or if you want easier, more rolled up page performance, you can just do page path and screen class.

Then you just go in here and you type in the page path you care about.

AD_4nXeySOIOKEIf5g4WO7p6pWLKeeoz6kHBBLWnsg8rOWfdUt5z5SDW1YHumrh7xb2U6UKzRGlk3ByrqQK9BxFd4iyPBcwv5mQkNfapoYbADYe8kU87tzIHtd7NfcJPCxJepLJQMMHUx J3rIuPEDH6K__PUnk

It will filter the listed pages (such as “/blog”).

AD_4nXc_oRVEtn3bY2tiSLOTaew7Izih8ilhw4QUxy4C7_kJatDrHeghXdjnbHv4WP1wfV0uF69828_43XQDNJwDUWeZaKRAxv9ErEcmMtgHa NLObSlYDNA3RXGypwAA7l2UageIcJYRrf8ezLNo0qsl_oZb1E

Adding a conditional filter for page path

Alternatively, from within the same report you'll see that there is this filter bar at the top. Click the add filter button.

The advantage of this approach: It gives you a little more control than the default report because you’re able to filter for more parameters.

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Then you’ll see a sidebar that lets you filter by lots of different properties. You can pick “Page path and screen class” again – but now you have more options for matching the page path.

If you pick “contains” you can find any URL containing “/blog” for example. If you pick “exact” you can filter for just “/blog”.


If you are comfortable with Regex as well, you can match some more nuanced regexes to include or exclude page paths containing different values.

AD_4nXcQJ6L oLCOXnTF_s4VPu62Hz0OmEvELGZbktWSxk6uVPTw8rPaWGWY7NSxTNi1Fhe5sYwZ_wZpLR O9bUN3QXAc9Hcps4SekVHBSpBoyH326YKgKX1LU3LAk55f7hLD2u42vF6wNdr9M87CG7AWxvruE1e

And you’re done.

2. Setting up a custom report [14 steps]

The next option is building a custom report.

The advantage of this approach: You can build a meaningful report and it will persist, which is really nice.

The disadvantage: The process is longer and a bit more tedious.

First off, go to Reports > Library > Create new Report

In this example, we’ll start with “Blank” so it's really obvious how you do everything.

AD_4nXctWRbKvV6hyk8V682VOYWmBUZswLwU6Y0yWFzhepvB3jq2jftdgClC5SvO5cmPnpTz8Hie0w5LMNzHlnmmw151Nc45JxxgsoefpMV6JLruefkZishf EbjlOuG9n4Rq9NHtBrFhY3mIO5jSm6mz9Tw_7co

First we’ll add dimensions. Dimensions include data fields like dates, page paths, channels, etc.

AD_4nXf5ujlhYE1BiwGQDdqp4Ev6Rfx7KmF7TnUsYpEVXzF3MuLDnLEgFCVf4PBHUfosb7Hhhl5o235zdfYQsuMjMxXF6jt9 ZHiGxiCQ2vd6MQ58DbtwigzAl6Ff_tXOjG3AsjeMnoJ3jKS6iQZ d2y_wpSon0W

For this instance, we'll choose “Page path” and then hit “Apply.”

AD_4nXdDZY3evSbHim74niFcmwzcmlwjzViWimUo5G b9wzbs2_CChG6_v4YdmotIEt DKQV3hOa2zZE5d8Kr25gGz1uAK 6N3SXt NtA2GVqCJKfnxb4i5X61kGibhc6Dg74ImETCyBcI1kJgcS0gcJEOAyIC0s

To recreate the same report as the one above, we'll add a metric and choose “Views”. Things like bounce rate, users, sessions, views, those are metrics.

We'll come in here and we'll see that it's the same thing, and we can actually customize this using the build filter.


We want to filter this report so that it shows pages containing a particular word or phrase.


The process here is the exact same as building a filter from the previous option. Select “Contains” for the Match Type and select the phrase that you want to filter for. (In this instance, the phrase we’ve chosen is “google analytics”.

AD_4nXdJquTc8hPnrswnFQHACW3yVAnbA8PPCV kgB3u uQAnZMtJmT0e5ckcK4YQFncoiu7R1OotQaKB0hlL93LzZB_fUTal6rGi9ARMhImh2uWEnusP5XxTbKH8WqeFPiEl9A_x9cahH0fJV3DXq03ucvRgxaS

After saving your filter, you save your report and give it a name. In this example, we’ll name it “Pages containing google-analytics.”

AD_4nXfY4m2R2i4Mp5iFxS_GQjLmJtkYVNFrcgeBcZ 403E1uDxt__WDszsFeZN9ixneTdJ6vdJsFvd96PrWfLDzbr_VvyQa22svx4bXpyFiwO0jlEsTU7OeV48P4bZTbaHftwHqYbvZrNMBdM60ipjXiiJyFS0

Now we'll go back and we'll see that it's always available right in the library.

AD_4nXdBPCW7qcrmw3blPen6zjq1uR5jDEK24kkH4dVoNwGaDCIrdRgALureAKDbbAQQ9oVmtWIWbHf9hOTaGSLhUu7VVlHl1i yjW7RQTaydGrSNAF0ngRD1OcZmkJG_McHyOPofdyimtgqpWoBVWOwoYLbXbiy

Adding your custom report to the sidebar

You can also add it to your sidebar by creating a collection. We'll make a new one here.

AD_4nXfMJoj2rdiPm9has5gxX5QU44KCnD Q7sBIx205Ug8IkD0XWr0_tSCj9_sqSkXRA3gL7uj9pIM fjM_d9T2weToJ1iN5jy0x4zLkvYvcDCEhScSNqz1Wg0lxRPKlW1PE652Ft8AD Phs ijEfianljOJCXm

Pick a “Blank” collection.

AD_4nXdl0bjJGlHVuja2OVq8Yv3d4SKCS1gz5Mdt3GUTjosWhy5hWFa5gKVcI91O00jCPLXArydf SyrUAZL9l68AsnfRsTUK0KIBD56mFPhJ1V7LTmr R4WFbPTOHtpfnrXVakSai3UgQpSdbdPcuaehkMd56M

Name it whatever you want. In this example, we’ll simply name it “Custom reports.”

AD_4nXcdnEWMwTp4txEfuO64RmDMv4ZPP0 wbZMRjQg39dR5CGOsK1HyTmUJaC_vPk Te R_NQ2IzTASS5ATfUNa4nkAXGYbPHZsfSNSjwiGfkljSko3H21WLrAgWGTWzK6c2irzO4Q6 8c7urv5glPmTwJDOtdU

Now search for the report you named earlier. When  drag over the report that you named earlier.

Then save it.

AD_4nXcD9uRe8JHAP9ujQ12dSUVFiQlVJzA8mfZyMa3zVvKbiUpA5p5mUMC5G1rwmbBrMJFvZZarq2ts9y_ldiopLKiouOafbIhrzI3rj0K5bzcQQ3NiLRTtqBXI NZDTSf2gDr6Lsqvl7Z7bw6bwK0KD9JBkAjM

Now go back to the library screen and publish the collection.

AD_4nXdbNZ4cyfyqlmxjiw9euDURhMdHc3Df23KWPTRX5ZA3aTasmfVLDhYFuZDpOzhuxu GRkHRVJjsdp1ix0C474JsCDdSmWoM0WVdY24L m4UKT8KpVh1AZJp7a2cqTq4VK9e6V4pN6PI8RFQVjMOqtHEfxU

It’s published! And it persists. So you can find it any time in the Custom reports tab.

AD_4nXfcQ4xuzN4ZGe4Cf0ieXT2HIhAuY 1uCnXNrsmpUrnrKpA9KT3o6b_HCTEwVfaBT3k_LHqtpkRftUxcEbHPCXciKRPnpZG6dO7pIbT2mJUB_vP3qie0NVsYJC_awQcZ0ARUeq8e0xZizGcwaHVcF7857Cog

3. Exploration [8 steps]

Exploration is the most granular way to break down metrics for a single page.

The advantage of this approach: you can access and export a wider variety of data.

The disadvantage: In most cases it might be more data – and more complicated – than you really need to see for a single page.

To get started, go to “Explore” in the sidebar. Click “Blank” to start a new blank exploration.

AD_4nXeNDps029Uxr1tPARPVN6J5kbB29idVS0X7AKerH0bTH4QF0TiKX4_iId6k5svou3XdDIcjCTX4xQb6dljLtyWpUbUg_Vq54kybrZF64eDo L3kc_5Eqf l_1ZuFPAeE9nH8rYsk8lA75kqZ4jshJSEZXpO

We’ll do a “Free form” visualization. Free form is the most customizable option for a visualization.

AD_4nXfzmEYp0CSrA37MnEo2775bp0z 3Zwid82tLsQw3ABxj0_FDoIY4FPGgSoMTrphF1tYcpD20emNGjRStV_cdbvihibZrkHjs7rQCx4OsLrd0BBm7GdHvNr7_l_T62 n4Dui1js52HQExzM9JYuMroRwYS9u

Pick a date range that you want to view.

AD_4nXeL7z7l_hu LcAjE_qwRho p0ySAD97bDdtHe83m3hlrJk_ThlWimwi77P2mOCuw81TC0Ek0PARATMVqNX4xtQE8rWUMjgdWzluvHUrUOELbdZ4ziJN78N3IfrDAicH0M Ksf2uyZLBXzYZFWiGorb1fGRd

Then within the Dimensions field, type the word “page” into the search bar and select “Page path and screen class” (like we've done before). Once it’s selected, click “Import”.

AD_4nXfkarYB_yf94A8uEuMhP7UXMOQqP IEiWRsso0JKYOuruEsl lgRXMDk7n169z7r zxlR3_Vqpyl7KtrbtUbw5pbPx3mkuioyihuD2skwVu6AFClfm_IBHt57AEH8sRl3GtrYuVSz1TxwLRvpi1UJ hQ9vb

Then in metrics, we'll import “Views”.


Now drag the “Page path and screen class” dimension from the “Variables” column on the left to the “Rows” section in the “Settings” column.

AD_4nXeMYMf7LzAI_WXo2aonUcBebGLJCFHaz7m_xGL1gagV5 3bBZiacw7NFXQ8eTIjDOCNDykseOcw4eh2tueS5uk1_3IOH7pqNBk_JlyxsOIJ9rJiK5D3JcN3k 3HNNlVt8W2pCIWs12MN5b2kSvTdtDP3vbK

Do the same with the “Views” metric. Drag it from the left – drag it from the “Variables” column on the left to the “Values” section in the “Settings” column.


You can see how this becomes a pretty intense way of consuming data.

This example we’ve created here is one of the most simple explorations you can create. It’s showing a roll-up of performance across the last 12 months.


4. Ércule [4 steps]

Ércule is a data tool that integrates your page’s GA and Google Search Console data in a simple interface designed specifically for content marketers. We created Ércule after seeing countless marketers get frustrated with the GA interface. (We have been the frustrated marketers many times.)

Rather than burying you in data fields like GA4, Ércule surfaces the metrics that marketers actually need. It also enables you to search for individual pages by title, right away.

Sign in to Ércule using a Google account that has access to your website’s GA and GSC data. Then fill out these fields in order to set up your first library.

AD_4nXdthLrBxAl0lNtYSrXvWNexJlYahPZHEXHK QRTQEakqa4ucFmdnPwzS8_sVinTAmaTYXhIl6NJfAiHjxBFFKUrdoirH6r8glakir8q2AZaWI2zczXLirbJ8ziVhczOrf1dgJOxyGCR3  6uJM1WPxJpm0

After you click “Create” it will take a few minutes to process and integrate the GA and GSC data.

Once your account is all set up, finding an individual page takes just two clicks.

First, click on the “Library” tab.

AD_4nXcLY_PM1FgjaTMkTayISGxRFGaorMR ILgQgQstWyhksku1kIar71BGcPefLOkw1sRus3k5rSCDr2chreaFJx1LqfvWvZhP6lMaJoMScBl2xn_KZ37CPkzILfSpUEDxzc7xEliD5lsMCKmYb7L 8RY dbs

There you’ll find a search bar. You can find any page by typing in words or phrases from the page’s title or URL into the search bar. In the example below, we’re looking for the pages on our site that have Google Analytics in the title.

Click on the desired page to get an individual performance report.

AD_4nXcM1kU2PmlXP Emi9 MuRP3 neMlJ2DjbeaImyIFDngHznwgsqvWSpI9nZUqlAytOUYuuxJ7U8oPq1MulQEiERum92MpY0AUlpX1_b0iNO34t9wbDzFvFwg4Kvs3ulIQMDaFoX_6uVFxWQKdwMpvqzwr4k

As noted, Ércule surfaces only the data that marketers actually need to assess the performance of a page in organic search. This includes traffic, growth rate, bounce rate, and top-performing search queries.

It will also link you directly to the page’s filtered data in the GA4 interface. Just click the “Google Analytics” button.


The “Google Analytics” button brings you directly to a “Pages and screens” report for that individual page.

AD_4nXeSn2Ap7cmvjnqPfO_Te xr3RQXXZILZjPD_XJWGPOuXGsnHADYJx8sqQ9I6eFp0xT5rcsk25gHv8oS0JONoJI ET3HQz4soOvulEbIOFgJVpmAupnOBAlLZ5PbxiJ86LBj5ZCdyl_7JZozrzs7ClEtjHLj

It’s that simple. You can find any page and its GA4 data in a matter of seconds.

Next steps

Finding the data you need is the first big hurdle. The next question is: how can you use that data to improve performance and conversion for the individual page and the library on the whole?

And if you’re puzzled by any of the data you find, feel free to drop us a line anytime!

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